The weird Pokemon Mystery Files teaser published last week prompted much speculation. Well, the moment has finally arrived and, as predicted, the reveal is... An expansion of the Pokemon Daisuke Club website. The special site is now live at the same URL previously advertised. It includes detailed lore on Legendary Pokemon, ancient ruins, Ultra Beasts, and references events directly from the Pokemon games, but is entirely in Japanese.
The new subsite also includes some pretty rad new Pokemon art, which you can see for yourself in this photos.

Notably, there is another "Is something happening?" message spelled in Unown with a new date: July 26, 2017.
See the original story below, published July 18, 2017.
The Pokemon Company, specifically its Japanese YouTube channel, released a super mysterious and very strange teaser last week. You can see the slightly creepy, X-Files-type video below, which teases a reveal to come July 19.
The title is translated to read: “Pokemon Mystery Files: A world of Pokemon you don’t know.” Be warned, some spoilers from the games ahead!

Article Courtesy: CASEY DEFREITAS
Photo Coutesy: sea.ign.com
